The scuttlebutt now is that Warner will try to buy EMI from Citigroup, which seized it earlier this year from Terra Firma, another private-equity firm. 现在的流言是华纳试图从这个早年在陆地上建立起的独立资本集团花旗手中买下EMI。
Directors of Maltby Capital, the vehicle that bought EMI just before credit markets collapsed in 2007, said there was no certainty that investors would put new equity into an investment that Terra Firma has already written down by 90 per cent. 2007年信贷市场崩溃前夕买下百代的MaltbyCapital的董事们表示,不能确保投资者会向泰丰投资已减记90%的投资中注入新资产。
After the spacecraft landed on terra firma, Shuttleworth and his two partners will be first given a physical exam before boarding a helicopter to fly to Astana in Kazakhstan where they will be transferred to the Russian capital Moscow on the same day. 太空船降落地面后,夏特沃斯和两位同伴将先接受身体检查,然后搭乘直升机前往哈萨克的阿斯塔纳,并于同一天转往俄罗斯首都莫斯科。
He found himself on terra firma at last. 他终于发现自己在陆地上了。
Terra firma, the firm Earth, is something mankind relies upon. 地球上坚固的陆地是人类的依靠。
But those above a sinkhole, particularly a rapidly sinking hole, lose trust in terra firma. 但那些天坑,特别是快速下沉的坑洞使陆地失去了可信任感。
Or a biological fallout shelter where survivors seek refuge from the toxic terra firma above. 或者是生物沉降避难所,幸存者在那里逃避上面的有毒大地。
Guy Hands, Terra Firma's founder and chairman, has written to investors in two of its private equity funds asking them to inject another 120m, according to one person familiar with the company. 据知情人士透露,泰丰资本创始人兼董事长葛涵思(GuyHands)已致函旗下两个私人股本基金的投资者,要求他们再注入1.2亿英镑。
However, accounts for the year to March 2009, released yesterday, make clear that even if terra firma secures this equity, it will face another "significant shortfall" against a test on covenants in its loans by March 2011. 然而,昨日公布的截至2009年3月的年度账目显示,即使泰丰资本保住了股权,到2011年3月,它在贷款合同测试中仍将再次面临“严重不足”。
After the rough sea voyage we were glad to reach terra firma. 经过了海上航行的惊涛骇浪,我们十分高兴来到陆地上。